Mobility Exercise? Just Pick ONE.

f you feel attacked... then listen up. Here's a hypothetical situation. You are struggling with an injury that has been nagging for months, not necessarily getting worse, but definitely not getting better either. So you're thumb picking your screen and saving every other mobility/ rehab video you come across- telling yourself next time you are in the gym, you're gonna pull one up? 


I have been there, and managing pain can get super overwhelming and confusing. Especially with so much access to information and talking heads telling you what you NEED to do.


One thing I tell my patients is to not beat yourself up over not doing ALL the things ALL the time to rehab an injury. Don't set the bar so high that you will feel like you are failing every time. 


Heres my challenge: Pick ONE video, ONE exercise, or ONE helpful hint that helps you approach a movement that's been causing you pain in a way that leaves you feeling strong & confident, yet challenged. Slowly, add exposure to this movement (staying clear of pain), Then, build the habit. 

This email is for the people who have been struggling to get started, who have been battling an injury for a while and are feeling overwhelmed about the process. 

Now obviously, everyones different. So I can recommend any specific advice. However, if you are feeling overwhelmed, shoot us a message. I would love to help you. 

Dr. Mike


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