Our team has the training and experience to understand your problem and create a personalized plan for you to get better.

Our services

Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments can help relieve pain, improve posture, and enhance overall well-being. They reduce discomfort in the back and neck, alleviate headaches, and enhance the body's natural healing abilities. These non-invasive treatments can lead to better sleep and relaxation, promoting a healthier, pain-free life. 


Sports Injury Rehab

Sports injury rehab combined with chiropractic care can be a game-changer for athletes. Chiropractic adjustments aid in recovery by relieving pain, restoring mobility, and enhancing performance. This holistic approach not only helps heal injuries faster but also prevents future problems by addressing their root causes. Whether you're a pro athlete or a weekend warrior, this combo can get you back in the game stronger and pain-free.

Class IV Laser Therapy

Class IV laser therapy is a cutting-edge treatment that can speed up healing and reduce pain. By using concentrated laser light, it stimulates cells to repair and regenerate tissue. This non-invasive therapy is effective for various conditions, from injuries and inflammation to chronic pain. With class IV laser therapy, you can experience faster recovery and relief, helping you get back to your best self.

Pregnancy/Postpartum Care

Pregnancy and postpartum chiropractic care offers vital support for moms-to-be and new mothers. During pregnancy, gentle adjustments can alleviate back pain, reduce discomfort, and promote optimal fetal positioning. After childbirth, chiropractic care helps align the spine and pelvis, aiding in postpartum recovery. These treatments can ease tension, improve sleep, and provide overall well-being, making the journey to motherhood a more comfortable and healthy experience.

Soft Tissue Therapies

Combining soft tissue work, such as scraping, cupping, and active release techniques, with chiropractic care can provide exceptional results. These methods help release muscle tension, improve flexibility, and reduce pain. When paired with chiropractic adjustments, they enhance the overall effectiveness of treatment by addressing both muscle and joint issues. This combination can lead to quicker recovery, better mobility, and lasting relief from discomfort, ensuring you feel your best and move with ease.

E-stim Therapy

Electric stimulation, or e-stim, is a therapy that uses mild electrical currents to alleviate pain and promote muscle healing. It helps relax tight muscles, reduce inflammation, and increase blood flow to the treated area. E-stim is beneficial for various conditions, including pain management and muscle rehabilitation. It's a safe and non-invasive way to improve your recovery and feel better faster.  

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.