Empower Your Postpartum Journey with Stronger Core Activation.

Are you a postpartum mom looking to get back into training but struggling to activate your core? We understand the challenges that come with postpartum recovery, which is why we're excited to share our favorite exercises for core activation: The Wall Press Deadbug with regressions and progressions for all levels!

In this exercise, we focus on gradually strengthening your core muscles with three progressive stages:

  • 1. Static Hold: Begin by pressing your back into the wall, engaging your core, and holding this position while focusing on your breath. This helps you establish a strong mind-muscle connection.

  • 2. Heel Tap: Once you're comfortable with the static hold, progress to lowering one heel towards the ground while maintaining core engagement. Tap the heel, then return to the starting position, ensuring your ribs stay down and your low back remains in contact with the ground.

  • 3. Leg Extension: For the final progression, extend your leg fully and hover it above the ground. Inhale as you bring the leg back up, keeping your core engaged throughout the movement.

Check out the exercise here!

These progressions are designed to help you gradually regain strength and stability in your core, making them ideal for postpartum moms!

If you have any questions about this exercise or your postpartum journey, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to support you every step of the way.

Send us a DM or give us a call if you'd like to learn more. We're here to help you feel strong, confident, and empowered on your postpartum fitness journey!


Reclaiming Your Core: Understanding Post-Pregnancy Challenges